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Realistic Changes to Expect After Ketamine Therapy Treatment

Mood disorders, including depression and anxiety, have long been a challenge to effectively treat. Traditional therapies and medications often fall short for many individuals, leaving them in a cycle of frustration and despair. However, the combination of IV ketamine therapy and psychotherapy is offering new hope. This innovative treatment approach is demonstrating significant, real-world changes and results for those living with mood disorders. But what do these positive results actually look like? As we’ve seen first-hand at our clinic, Innerbloom in San Luis Obispo, the changes often manifest in ways that patients did not expect.  

Understanding IV Ketamine Therapy

Ketamine, originally used at high doses as an anesthetic within hospitals, has gained attention for its rapid antidepressant effects when used at low doses. When administered intravenously (IV), ketamine has been found to quickly alleviate symptoms of depression, even in treatment-resistant cases. Unlike traditional antidepressants that can take weeks to show benefits, (and often come with a host of unpleasant side effects) ketamine can produce noticeable improvements within hours to days.

The Power of Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy is a well-established treatment for mood disorders. It involves working with a therapist to identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors. When combined with ketamine therapy, psychotherapy has been shown to enhance and sustain the benefits of ketamine, providing a comprehensive approach to mental health treatment. Conversely, ketamine can help patients bridge the gap when they are feeling stuck in their psychotherapy sessions. At Innerbloom, patients typically meet with our certified ketamine-assisted therapist, Cindy Nelson, for a minimum of three sessions: first to prepare and set intentions for their treatment, again in the middle of the treatment series, and once more at the end of the treatment series to create a plan for the future. We’ve noticed that the more preparation and work patients put into their ketamine experience, the more they can gain.

What Kind of Changes Do Patients Experience?

1. Rapid Symptom Relief

One of the most remarkable benefits of IV ketamine therapy is the rapid relief of depressive symptoms. Some patients report feeling significantly better within 24 hours of their first infusion. This swift improvement can be life-saving, particularly for those who have not responded to other treatments. The immediate reduction in symptoms allows individuals to engage more effectively in psychotherapy, setting the stage for long-term recovery. Although everyone hopes for the “light switch” effect after a single infusion, it’s important to understand that sometimes it takes a few infusions to begin to feel a shift in your mood.

2. Reduced Suicidal Ideation

For individuals struggling with severe major depressive disorder, suicidal ideation is a critical concern. IV ketamine therapy has been shown to significantly reduce suicidal thoughts, providing a lifeline for those in crisis. This reduction allows individuals to focus on recovery and engage more fully in psychotherapy, creating a safer and more stable mental health journey. A recent patient, who suffered from persistent suicidal ideation, experienced relief from these powerful intrusive thoughts after just one infusion. The absence of these intrusive thoughts left her with space in her mind to begin to think about other things, delving deeper into understanding her persistent depression, opening the door to her mind, just a crack, to allow some light in.

2. Patience and Openness

One of the first things patients often notice after starting IV ketamine therapy is a newfound sense of mental clarity and emotional “brain-space”. This often begins with small but significant changes, such as handling a stressful situation at work or with a spouse more calmly than usual. Interestingly, it's often a friend, partner or therapist who first observes changes in your behavior first. These subtle changes might seem minor, but as they accumulate, they have a profound impact. Increased emotional bandwidth allows individuals to process situations more effectively and react positively, leading to better interactions with others. For example, we've had patients who found themselves enjoying playing with their kids or being more open to watching a silly movie that their spouse chose, even though they didn’t think they would like it. (Plot twist, they ended up enjoying the movie more than they thought they would). This openness and resilience stems from the neuroplastic effects of ketamine, which helps the brain form new neural connections. These changes can make it easier for individuals to adopt and maintain healthier thought patterns and behaviors.

Ketamine therapy can improve overall quality of life.

4. Improved Quality of Life

Many patients report a significant improvement in their overall quality of life. Reduced depressive symptoms mean they can enjoy daily activities, maintain relationships, and pursue goals that once felt unattainable. Ketamine induces a critical period in the brain, where the mind becomes more malleable and receptive to change. In our experience, it’s the patients who strive to adopt new healthy habits and let go of negative behaviors during their treatment series that see the most profound results. Many patients pick up old hobbies or find new exercise routines, which in turn benefits their mental health and wellbeing. This helps individuals regain a sense of normalcy and fulfillment in their lives. We’ve seen patients who started with severe depression go out and get a haircut, start new careers, leave bad marriages, join gyms, go off antidepressants, start a daily meditation practice and so much more.

One of our favorite stories is from a patient who typically stayed in bed for most of the day. After a few infusions she decided to go for a walk on the beach instead, which led to her feeling vastly better that day. These small decisions may seem trivial, but they are the building blocks of a fulfilled life. Each positive shift contributes to a more vibrant and engaged way of living.

We had one patient who suffered from severe PTSD who experienced intense nightmares every single night that greatly impacted her quality of sleep and her ability to function during the day. Interestingly, the series of ketamine infusions completely ended her persistent nightmares, enabling the patient to get restful sleep for the first time in decades. 

5. Sustained Benefits with Maintenance

While the initial results of IV ketamine therapy can jumpstart these changes, maintenance treatments are often necessary to sustain benefits. Regular booster infusions, combined with ongoing psychotherapy, help maintain the positive effects. Periodic booster infusions ensure that individuals continue to experience relief from mood disorder symptoms over the long term. The frequency of booster infusions varies tremendously from person to person, some people may come back once a year to keep their symptoms at bay, where others feel their best by receiving monthly infusions.

7. Enhanced Therapy Engagement

The rapid symptom relief provided by ketamine can make patients more receptive to psychotherapy. With a clearer mind and improved mood, individuals are often more willing and able to engage in therapeutic processes and tackle subjects that may have been too difficult to face before. This engagement can lead to deeper insights and more effective coping strategies, further enhancing the overall treatment outcome. 


The impact of IV ketamine therapy combined with psychotherapy offers a transformative approach to treating mood disorders. By providing relief from depressive symptoms, reducing suicidal ideation, and enhancing mental clarity, this innovative treatment paves the way for significant improvements in patients' lives. Patients can experience profound changes, such as improved emotional resilience, better interpersonal relationships, and an overall enhanced quality of life, but often the changes start out small and develop over time. These subtle benefits are further cultivated through maintenance treatments and ongoing psychotherapy. At Innerbloom, we’ve witnessed first-hand the powerful effects of this treatment, enabling individuals to break free from the confines of their mood disorders and reclaim a sense of normalcy and fulfillment. Ketamine won't do all the work for you, but it can tee up the ball to get you started. The journey towards mental wellness is deeply personal and unique for each patient, but with ketamine therapy, there is hope for a pathway to a brighter future.

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